The Yonge Love Report

We excited to announce the release of the Yonge Love Campaign Findings Report! Thank you to every single person who lent their voice to Yonge Love – who shared a…..

Thank you Toronto!

The Yonge Love consultation process, #YongeLove Instagram Contest & Survey are now closed! We’re very grateful for all of the feedback that was shared through the process, and look forward…..

Open Streets: Yonge St Back In The Day

BlogTO recently put together a nice selection of old City archive photos, in recognition of the recent Open Streets Festival – from when Yonge St used to be closed for…..

What is Yonge Love?

Yonge Street is changing. We want to hear from you about where it’s headed. A 2014 project of the Downtown Yonge BIA, Yonge Love will be engaging Torontonians in a conversation about…..